Friday, November 12, 2010

Hygiene 101

Today's post is about hygiene. I would hope that most of us were taught at a young age how to wash our hands,cover our mouth when we cough,USE TOILET PAPER when we go potty and to be quiet when nessessary. RIGHT??  Well in my travels this evening I was sadly mistaken. I was revolted at how completely and udderly discusting human beings (mostly women) can actually be.

Case 1- My husband and I went to Denny's tonight (mistake numero uno). It was time for Baylor to have a bottle so I went into the ladies bathroom to get some warm water (mistake numero dos). As I was waiting for the water to warm up (Denny's your plumbing sucks) this.....lets say "foul" women walks into the restroom. She was walking so fast she left a trail of smoke behind her. She slams the stall door shut and proceeds to sit down (at least I think). I finally got the warm water I needed and decided I better go potty before sitting down to eat (mistake numero tres). In most public restrooms they have a dispenser for the toilet paper. Sometimes you have to stick your hand up there to make sure there's toilet paper or to roll the paper to get to the free end, in doing so it usually makes noise as you pull the toilet paper out. Ok so I just step inside the stall as my stall mate finishes business. Not only did she NOT WIPE (I heard no paper dispension) she leaves the restroom with NO HAND WASHING (and in her case it was an absolute nessessity,TRUST ME) AND she leaves me with a pleasant smelling reminder of just why she was walking so fast in the first place. Thank You, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Case 2- After regretting my dinner at Denny's we venture to our regular date night scene, WalMart! Wouldn't you know that as soon as we get there I have to use the restroom AGAIN. In this WalMart there is only one restroom I will use and it's at the back of the store. Some how I got it in my head that it's the cleanest one there (it really isn't either). As I'm walking into the restroom I can hear what seems to be grunting and sure enough, as I sit down I hear this lady GRUNTING! This poor thing sounds like she is pushing something out the size of Texas!!! I kind of chuckle and finish my business. I walk out and start to wash my hands (what a concept). Soon enough my case #2 stall mate waddles out and walks right past the washing stations and heads out to her idling scooter. WHAT????? I serisouly just sat there looking at the door, thinking "Maybe she had to go out and grab something, she'll be back to wash her hands." NEGATIVE!! She never returned. BLAAAAHHHHH (that's my gagging noise). I dried my hands and used a whole handful to open the door. Just in case whatever she was squeezing out was left on the handle.

Honestly folks is it that hard to wash your hand? Is it that hard to USE TOILET PAPER?! I'm all about going green and trying to recycle and stuff, but I think not wiping is going a little to far on that spectrum. So please, if you use the restroom at all (most humans do) PLEASE use toilet paper and WASH YOUR GERM INFESTED HANDS!