Monday, November 22, 2010

Funny for the day~

We are sitting here tonight, and Brett is playing Call of Duty on

his play station. When you play online you are playing with a

bunch of other people. If they have headsets they can speak into

them and you can hear it. Well this guy starts talking but his

voice is echoing non-stop like his speaker thing is broken. So

our conversation is as follows....

Brett-"I hate it when they do that!"

Me- "How come it does that?"

Brett- "Cause their setting it like that"

Me- "Their sitting on it????" "Why would they sit on it?"

Brett- (Just stares at me) "WHAT?, Noooo it's a setting on their

playstation, they can SET IT like that so it does that!"

Me- (Totally embarrassed) "BAHAHAHHAHA"

When I'm on the computer I have a hard time multi-tasking and

paying attention to other things, so we have conversations like

this ALLL the time. Thank You babe for putting up with me and

my stupidity!